Sunday, August 7, 2011

Multiple Intelligences

Multiple Intelligences
How do you incorporate the MI?

I've been thinking a lot about how to incorporate more Multiple Intelligence focused learning in the classroom.  I found some pretty good info about planning and including activities to meet the needs of all learners.  I have some links down at the bottom that give examples of teaching using the different intelligences.

These are two tables about Multiple Intelligences from Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching, and Technology

The article about Multiple Intelligences has a lot more examples, ideas, and research about Multiple Intelligences.  

Here is the article: Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles  written by Emily Giles, Sarah Pitre, Sara Womack.  I just thought they were too good not to share.

Table 1. Summary of the Eight Intelligences
Intelligence AreaStrengthsPreferencesLearns best throughNeeds
Verbal / LinguisticWriting, reading, memorizing dates, thinking in words, telling storiesWrite, read, tell stories, talk, memorize, work at solving puzzlesHearing and seeing words, speaking, reading, writing, discussing and debatingBooks, tapes, paper diaries, writing tools, dialogue, discussion, debated, stories, etc.
Mathematical/ LogicalMath, logic, problem-solving, reasoning, patternsQuestion, work with numbers, experiment, solve problemsWorking with relationships and patterns, classifying, categorizing, working with the abstractThings to think about and explore, science materials, manipulative, trips to the planetarium and science museum, etc.
Visual / SpatialMaps, reading charts, drawing, mazes, puzzles, imagining things, visualizationDraw, build, design, create, daydream, look at picturesWorking with pictures and colors, visualizing, using the mind's eye, drawingLEGOs, video, movies, slides, art, imagination games, mazes, puzzles, illustrated book, trips to art museums, etc.
Bodily / KinestheticAthletics, dancing, crafts, using tools, actingMove around, touch and talk, body languageTouching, moving, knowledge through bodily sensations, processingRole-play, drama, things to build, movement, sports and physical games, tactile experiences, hands-on learning, etc.
MusicalPicking up sounds, remembering melodies, rhythms, singingSing, play an instrument, listen to music, humRhythm, singing, melody, listening to music and melodiesSing-along time, trips to concerts, music playing at home and school, musical instruments, etc.
InterpersonalLeading, organizing, understanding people, communicating, resolving conflicts, sellingTalk to people, have friends, join groupsComparing, relating, sharing, interviewing, cooperatingFriends, group games, social gatherings, community events, clubs, mentors/ apprenticeships, etc.
IntrapersonalRecognizing strengths and weaknesses, setting goals, understanding selfWork alone, reflect pursue interestsWorking alone, having space, reflecting, doing self-paced projectsSecret places, time alone, self-paced projects, choices, etc.
NaturalisticUnderstanding nature, making distinctions, identifying flora and faunaBe involved with nature, make distinctionsWorking in nature, exploring living things, learning about plants and natural eventsOrder, same/different, connections to real life and science issues, patterns

Table 2. Multiple Intelligences: Classroom Application (Table added by Brandy Bellamy and Camille Baker, 2005)
Teacher CenteredStudent Centered
  • Present content verbally
  • Ask questions aloud and look for student feedback
  • Interviews
  • Student Presents Material
  • Students read content and prepare a presentation for his/her classmates
  • Students debate over an issue
  • Provide brain teasers or challenging questions to begin lessons.
  • Make logical connections between the subject matter and authentic situations to answer the question "why?"
  • Students categorize information in logical sequences for organization.
  • Students create graphs or charts to explain written info.
  • Students participate in webquests associated with the content
  • Use props during lecture
  • Provide tangible items pertaining to content for students to examine
  • Review using sports related examples (throw a ball to someone to answer a question)
  • Students use computers to research subject matter.
  • Students create props of their own explaining subject matter (shadow boxes, mobiles, etc...)
  • Students create review games.
When presenting the information, use visuals to explain content:</br>
PowerPoint Slides, Charts, Graphs, cartoons, videos, overheads, smartboards
  • Have students work individually or in groups to create visuals pertaining to the information:
  • Posters; timelines; models; powerpoint slides; maps; illustrations, charts; concept mapping
  • Play music in the classroom during reflection periods
  • Show examples or create musical rhythms for students to remember things
  • Create a song or melody with the content embedded for memory
  • Use well known songs to memorize formulas, skills, or test content
  • Be aware of body language and facial expressions
  • Offer assistance whenever needed
  • Encourage classroom discussion
  • Encourage collaboration among peers
  • Group work strengthens interpersonal connections
  • Peer feedback and peer tutoring
  • Students present to the class
  • Encourage group editing
  • Encourage journaling as a positive outlet for expression
  • Introduce web logging (blogs)
  • Make individual questions welcome
  • Create a positive environment.
  • Journaling
  • Individual research on content
  • Students create personal portfolios of work
  • Take students outside to enjoy nature while in learning process (lecture)
  • Compare authentic subject matter to natural occurrences.
  • Relate subject matter to stages that occur in nature (plants, weather, etc)
  • Students organize thoughts using natural cycles
  • Students make relationships among content and the natural environment (how has nature had an impact?)
  • Students perform community service
Again, these tables are from Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles  written by Emily Giles, Sarah Pitre, Sara Womack.

The following is from a great article from Dr. Thomas Armstrong at this link:

"When Planning a Lesson, Ask the Right Questions!   
Certain questions help me look at the possibilities for involving as many intelligences as possible:
Linguistic: How can I use the spoken or written word?
Logical-Mathematical: How can I bring in numbers, calculations, logic, classifications, or critical thinking?
Spatial:  How can I use visual aids, visualization, color, art, metaphor, or visual organizers?
Musical: How can I bring in music or environmental sounds, or set key points in a rhythm or melody?
Bodily-Kinesthetic: How can I involve the whole body, or hands-on experiences?
Interpersonal: How can I engage students in peer or cross-age sharing, cooperative learning or large-group simulation?
Intrapersonal:  How can I evoke personal feelings or memories, or give students choices?
You won't always find ways of including every intelligence in your curriculum plans.  But if this model helps you reach into one or two intelligences that you might not otherwise have tapped, then it has served
its purpose very well indeed!"

Here are some other links with info about Multiple Intelligences.

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