Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Interactive Smart Board Blog Hop

I've been seeing LOTS and LOTS of amazing resources out there for Smart Boards.   I don't know about you, but I wonder how I made it through the day for the 10 years I taught without it!!

So, without further adieu, may I present my first ever Blog Hop!!

Choose the top three sites that your class uses and link them up!  I look forward to seeing the ones that you use most!

Here are mine:

1.  BBC Science clips and games

This site breaks down skills by age and has fun, interactive games to go along with science concepts.

PBS kids has got a lot.  All the different shows have educational games that are really well done.  I must say that Between the Lions "Chicken Stacker" is a pretty good one.  They have everything from Clifford to Dr. Seuss!

I know this is a fave of a lot of folks out there.  My kids LOVE  the rocket timer!  To get to the rocket timer, choose Classroom Timers, and then choose from the list found there.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! What a great Blog Hop, I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!!!
    Your newest followers :)
    ...and remember ...always stay 'Wild About School!'

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have my fingers crossed that you get to stay at your school!

    Mrs.G's Kindergarten in Heels

  3. I love it! I am so glad that you started this! I can't wait to get some new resources to use on my smartboard!
    What I Learned in Kindergarten

  4. Thanks y'all!

    There are about a zillion resources out there! I can't wait to see what everyone uses!!


  5. Sorry, I was confused and linked up my own blog because it had a free smartboard file on it. I missed the part where I was supposed to submit the site that my class uses the most...
    I would submit Brainpop and Discovery Ed as the sites I use the most. Also, PBS has a lot of good resources.

  6. Anna,
    No Problem! I'm coming over to see what you've got! I'm beginning to wonder how I ever taught without my Smartboard?!

